About Us

We are siblings who think almost stupidly alike at times.  There are 6 years in between us to the day - we share the same birthday.  Everyone thinks it's cool, but that just meant we had to share our birthday cake when we were little, lol.

Personal Experiences

Age: 23
Location: Canada
Interests: Reading, Writing, Drawing and watching ghost shows!
Special Interests: I focus on a lot of psychic stuff. Reincarnation is also an interest of mine along with poltergeist activity.
Bio:  I have been married since 2010 (together since 2003!) and my daughter was born in December 2011.  She has an interesting story behind her name that I am going to post on the site soon, since it was kind of creepy in an awesome way.

Personal Experiences

Age: 17
Location: Canada
Interests: Reading, Writing, Construction, Researching and of course watching the occasional ghost show.
Special Interests: I like to focus on essentially anything remotely demon, although I in no way consider myself an expert. Religious provocation and artefacts also spark an interest.
Bio: In many aspects, I am a regular 17 year old male. I tend to lounge around and procrastinate (seems to be a family trait). I've believed in ghosts essentially since I could talk, growing up in a haunted house tends to do that to a person.

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