Thursday 2 August 2012

Banter: Ouija Boards

No comic for this one, guys.  I think Ouija Boards should be taken seriously and they are already too commercialized for me to poke fun at them.

Ouija Boards (aka "Witch Boards", "Spirit Boards") are traditionally used as a method to contact the dead. It is a board that has all of the letters of the alphabet, numbers, and the words "Goodbye", "Yes" and "No". The spirits are said to manipulate the planchette (heart-shaped piece of wood sometimes with glass in the middle). Some people also use clear glasses to substitute for a planchette.

Normally, the people holding the seance or calling forth the spirit each put a finger or two on the planchette.  They call on a spirit and the spirit is said to use the glass to spell out messages in order to answer questions.  Hasbro has Ouija Boards trademarked and they sell them as a board game in stores all over North America.

Now here is the issue:
Amateurs around the world are getting their hands on these boards, thinking they are a harmless way to have some fun.  They are wrong.

Ouija Boards are not a plaything.  They are medium to invite a spirit into your house and if you do not prepare yourself or protect yourself, you are leaving yourself open for something malignant to come in.  I don't care if you "only asked the good spirits to come".  The fact it, an invitation is an invitation and that is all that demons and evil entities need.  One small mistake caused by reckless "fun" could potential turn into something you never expected.

If you think you are being haunted, I would suggest not using a Ouija Board to communicate with the spirit.  Yes, you could get your ghost come through and learn something useful.  However, you could also end up with something in your house far worse than your average-everyday ghost.

So why does Hasbro sell these as board games to pre-teen girls at sleep-overs?

I have no idea.  I think the lack of knowledge and disbelief in the paranormal and supernatural play a big part in it.

Ouija Boards have a lot of myth and mystery surrounding them. There are stories of having thrown them out and/or burned them and having it return to your home in perfect condition.  Tales of being possessed while using them.  Seizures can sometimes occur while using them (thought of as an attempt at possession).  They are used regularly in horror movies (ie: Paranormal Activity).

Even as a teenager I stayed away from Ouija Boards.  I have always had an interest in the paranormal and I knew that Ouija Boards were just asking for trouble.  I will also urge my daughter to stay away when she is old enough to understand the possible repercussions of it.  I don't pretend to be an expert, but I know enough to not mess with things you don't fully understand.

The point of the matter is, don't play with the paranormal.  Be curious, be speculative, be investigative - but do not issue an open invitation for something to speak with you.  You might not like what you get.